While there are a variety of professional cleaning systems, the most common are referred to Steam Cleaning (also known as Hot Water Extraction) and Dry Cleaning. Both of these systems have strengths and weaknesses, and you might have your own preference to what service you would like performed also. If you ask friends and family, you will find that prefer Steam Cleaning, and some that prefer Dry Cleaning. A lot of it comes down to the technician performing the service.
Which is best, Steam Cleaning or Dry Cleaning
If you ask a ‘Steam cleaner’ this question they will likely tell you steam cleaning is better because it cleans deeper than ‘dry cleaning’. ‘Dry Cleaning’ is merely a surface clean that is designed to give carpet the appearance of clean because there is no actual wet extraction. Deep down dirt and grit embedded deep into your carpet needs to be removed; especially in high traffic areas because it wears away at the fibers and can cause your carpet to wear out prematurely and only ‘Steam Cleaning’ can do this.
If you ask a company that provides Carpet ‘Dry cleaning’ the same question, they will likely to tell you that dry cleaning is better than ‘Steam Cleaning’ because their system won’t leave your carpets wet for days. Carpets dry quicker with their method as water doesn’t penetrate backing and underlay. They will then go on to explain that excess water can cause some carpets to shrink or wrinkle, and cause odours if the get over wet.
Just as a good mechanic has more than one tool in his tool box, here at Beyond Clean Group we understand the strengths and weaknesses and are VERY PROFIECENT in using both methods and depending on the type of carpet, level of soiling or age of your floor covering, we will expertly assess which of the different cleaning systems will produce the best result for you.
As we clean to the carpet cleaning standard AS/NZS 3733:1995 we do prefer to utilize the Hot Water Extraction (aka Steam Cleaning) method first and foremost due to it’s superior cleaning and flushing ability. Think about washing your hair, you don’t just use a spritz of water, we generally use a volume of water to thoroughly rinse the oils and contaminates out. When using our platinum service, we thoroughly vacuum your carpet with an industrial grade vacuum, then we apply and gently massage a specially formulated cleaning solution and work that in and around the carpet fibre to get even coverage from the tip to the base of your carpet fibre. After leaving the cleaning solution a small period of time to release and surround the foreign soils, we then flush a very hot, but controlled amount water through the fibres which is then immediately extracted with our extremely powerful vacuum system that extracts a high volume of the deep-down dirt, allergens, and moisture, leaving your carpet the cleanest if possibly can be, from top to bottom. We then apply a conditioning rinse to leave the carpet in the softest state and can be, before we speed dry it.
By doing it to this standard YOU get best of both worlds. The cleanliness of Steam Cleaning (aka Hot Water Extraction) and a dry time that rivals dry cleaning! However, as we stated earlier, if you have a personal preference, we are happy to oblige, but would prefer to select the best method, based on our experience after we have inspected your flooring.
Posted in: Residential Carpet Cleaning
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